Name Surname: Kevinia Francis
Birthday: 01 Jan 0001
Gender: Female
Nationality: Antigua And Barbuda
Number: 1056
Birthday: 01 Jan 0001
Gender: Female
Nationality: Antigua And Barbuda
Number: 1056
Number Route |
Race / Independent | Name | Lastname | Vessel Name | Team Name | Class / Crew | Status | Total Avg Speed [kt] | Total distance [NM] / team or boat group picture |
Links | |||||||||||||||
1150 Mid-Pacific (E-W) |
Race 588
Dadli Gyal | Team Antigua Island Girls | Open / 3 / F |
U |
2.15 | 2131 |
855 Atlantic (E-W) |
Race 410
V2MY3 | The Island Girls | Open / 5 / F |
2.25 | 2554 |