Name Surname: Laura Penhaul
Birthday: 01 Jan 0001
Gender: Female
Nationality: United Kingdom
Number: 784
Birthday: 01 Jan 0001
Gender: Female
Nationality: United Kingdom
Number: 784
Number Route |
Race / Independent | Name | Lastname | Vessel Name | Team Name | Class / Crew | Status | Total Avg Speed [kt] | Total distance [NM] / team or boat group picture |
Links | |
682 Pacific (E-W) |
Ind 350
Doris | Coxless Crew | Classic / 6 / F |
ms |
Notes: Isabel Burnham rowed from San Francisco to Hawaii. Van Vuuren replaced Isabel Burnham in Hawaii and rowed to Apia, Samoa. Meg Dyos replaced Van Vuuren in Samoa on the final leg to Australia
1.2 | 7378 |