Name Surname: Paul Gleeson
Birthday: 04 Apr 1976
Gender: Male
Nationality: Ireland
Number: 271
Birthday: 04 Apr 1976
Gender: Male
Nationality: Ireland
Number: 271
Number Route |
Race / Independent | Name | Lastname | Vessel Name | Team Name | Class / Crew | Status | Total Avg Speed [kt] | Total distance [NM] / team or boat group picture |
Links | |||||||||||||||
591 Arctic (W-E) |
Ind 309
The Arctic Joule | Mainstream Last First | Classic / 4 / M |
NP |
Notes: Originally aiming for Baffin Island, diverted due to time constraints.
0.48 | 620 |
274 Atlantic (E-W) |
Race 113
Christina | Classic / 2 / mixed |
1.25 | 2554 |